Stefan Pieper, February 2024
Interview mit der Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze
Ein neues Album, eine Hommage an Rachmaninoff und viele persönliche Einblicke – die georgische Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze spricht in einem ausführlichen Interview über ihre musikalischen und persönlichen Erfahrungen und kommende Projekte. Im Zentrum des Gespräch stand ihr persönlicher Bezug zu Rachmaninoffs Frühwerk, der zum Album „A Tribute to Rachmaninoff“ anlässlich dessen 150. Geburtstages und 80. Todestages im letzten Jahr inspirierte.
Stefan Pieper, February 2024
CD-Review: Shorena Tsintsabadze – Tribute to Rachmaninow
Die georgische Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze hat Sergei Rachmaninoff immer als künstlerische Leitfigur betrachtet, vor allem, wenn es um den Aspekt echter Hingabe gebt. Das gab ihr viel Kraft, um auch trotz persönlicher und beruflicher Herausforderungen immer nach künstlerischer Höchstleistung zu streben, wie sie in ihrem ausführlichen selbst geschriebenen Booklet-Text für die neue ARS-Aufnahme „A Tribute to Rachmaninoff“ ausführt.
Holger Sambale, January 2024
Tribute to Rachmaninoff
Earlier this year ARS Produktion released a Rachmaninoff commemoration SACD with, among others, his ever-so-popular Second Piano Concerto, played by Shorena Tsinsabadze and the Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang Jordania conducting. At the time I decided that yet another Rachmaninoff Second Piano Concerto was not something people were waiting for. The present high-resolution count stands at 41 for the physical product, to which some will want to add those from download-only sites like Native DSD. Moreover, the orchestra accompanying the soloist, the ‘Russian Federal Orchestra’ did not ring a bell.
Adrian Quanjer, May 2024
Review - Tribute to Rachmaninoff
Earlier this year ARS Produktion released a Rachmaninoff commemoration SACD with, among others, his ever-so-popular Second Piano Concerto, played by Shorena Tsinsabadze and the Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang Jordania conducting. At the time I decided that yet another Rachmaninoff Second Piano Concerto was not something people were waiting for. The present high-resolution count stands at 41 for the physical product, to which some will want to add those from download-only sites like Native DSD. Moreover, the orchestra accompanying the soloist, the ‘Russian Federal Orchestra’ did not ring a bell.
Daniela Fietzek, February 2024
Zeitloser Rachmaninoff
2023 war für Sergej Rachmaninoff-Fans ein ereignisreiches Jahr: Der Geburtstag des russischen Romantikers jährte sich zum 150., der Todestag zum 80. Mal. Grund genug für viele Musikerinnen und Musiker, Rachmaninoff besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Unter den zahlreichen Neuerscheinungen findet sich auch das Album “Tribute to Rachmaninoff” der russisch-georgischen Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze.
Alexander Walther, April 2024
CD: Tribute to Rachmaninoff mit der Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze. Ars Produktion
Die aus Moskau stammende Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze präsentiert hier Rachmaninoff-Aufnahmen mit ungewöhnlicher Brillanz und Sensibilität. Sie wiederlegt auch die Behauptung, die Musik Rachmaninoffs kranke an Selbstwiederholungen. Dies zeigt sich sogleich bei ihrer Wiedergabe der Moments musicaux op. 16, die im Jahre 1896 entstanden.
Guido Krawinkel, November 2023
Romantisch: Shorena Tsintsabadze “Dedication”
Kontraste werden wirkungsvoll ausgefahren, subtile Nuancen aber nicht vergessen. Der langsame Mittelsatz etwa gelingt ihr ausgesprochen einfühlsam und lyrisch, gleichzeitig führt Tsintsabadze den dramaturgischen roten Faden weiter, der schließlich im fulminanten Schlusssatz aufgeht.
Adrian Quanjer, July 2023
Dedication - Tsintsabadze
Shorena Tsintsabadze having selected works that fit such a sad and psychologically profound mood wonderfully well, her playing is not triste, but compassionately powerful.
Peter Sommeregger, October 2020
Romantisches in Vollendung
Tsintsabadze verleiht ihrer Interpretation neben aller technischen Perfektion auch ein besonderes Gespür für die Feinheiten der Schumann’schen Melodik.
Stefan Pieper, September 2023
CD-Review: Shorena Tsintsabadze – Dedication
Wenn die georgische Pianistin Shorena Tsintsabadze ihr aktuelles Soloalbum „Dedication“ nennt, dann ist dies das Resultat einer tiefen musikalischen wie historischen Reflexion. Dedication, zu deutsch Widmung bezieht sich vor allem auf den persönlichen Draht, den zwei der wichtigsten Komponisten im 19. Jahrhundert zueinander hatten: Robert Schumann und Franz Liszt.
Adrian Quanjer, July 2020
Klavier Romantik - Tsintsabadze
Shorena, at the beginning of our conversation, I think it will be interesting for the readers to talk about the journey of yours, as a successful continuation of the family music traditions.
June 2021
Music International Summer Academy, Its News and Plans - Interview With Pianist Shorena Tsintsabadze
Shorena, at the beginning of our conversation, I think it will be interesting for the readers to talk about the journey of yours, as a successful continuation of the family music traditions.
September 2023
“Dedication,” piano music of Brahms, Liszt, and Schumann
… Shorena starts off with Robert Schumann’s Phantasie in C Major, a work that begins with with a bright, continuously flowing, well-characterized theme that allows for, and in fact invites, numerous excursions. It is marked Durchaus phantastisch und leidenschaftlich vorzutragen (Absolutely fantastic and sorrowfully laden). And, as usual, Schumann means what he says!
September 2020
“Klavier Romantik,” Schumann, Brahms, & Chopin
… With its seemingly endless wealth of color and techniques for blending, contrasting, and superimposing timbres, Symphonic Etudes has long been considered one of the most difficult works in the repertoire, a fact which does not deter Shorena. In the past decade, I can recall reviewing only one other recording by any pianist. Interestingly, it was by her compatriot David Aladashvili (Phil’s Reviews, 3/2014). Hmm… maybe these Georgians don’t scare easily.
James Harrington
SCHUMANN Fantasie in C, op. 17. BRAHMS Klavierstücke, op. 118: No. 2, Intermezzo in A. LISZT Sonata in b, S 178
Published in 1839 and dedicated to Liszt, Schumann’s Fantasy (Fantasie in German) is a large, three-movement, sonata-sized piece. Liszt’s Sonata, equally large but a single- movement piece, was completed in 1853 and dedicated to Schumann. When a copy arrived at the Schumann’s house in 1854, Robert had already entered a sanatorium. Clara found it “merely a blind noise” and never played it. She is the dedicatee of Brahms’s 6 Pieces, op. 118 (1893). The title Dedication is perfectly chosen here.
Jerry Dubins
SCHUMANN Fantasie in C, op. 17. BRAHMS Klavierstücke, op. 118: No. 2, Intermezzo in A. LISZT Sonata in b, S 178
The album at hand is titled Dedication, and beyond the title having other resonances and reciprocities throughout her recital, Shorena Tsintsabadze dedicates this program to her beloved father, Revaz Tsintsabadze. There are, however, additional connections between the album title and the works on this disc which will be revealed anon.
Lyapunov: Piano Concertos Nos 1 & 2; Rhapsody on Ukrainian Themes – review
B.A. Nilsson, February 2011
David Fanning, February 2011
David Hurwitz, January 2011
Lyapunov: Piano Concertos
“…Puritans, prigs, and prudes need not apply, but for all those not ashamed to leave their inhibitions at the door and to acknowledge their pleasure-seeking impulses, listening to Lyapunov is like taking a bath in Russian chocolate. And Shorena Tsintsabadze is the lady of the banya . Even if you already acquired the Milne as part of the Hyperion collection, I’d urge you to acquire this new Naxos. Timings-wise, Tsintsabadze and Milne are so close to each other that the few seconds’ differences between them in all three works are so slight they’re negligible. But in the crucial areas of interpretation, orchestral playing, and impact of recording, Tsintsabadze, Yablonsky, the Russian Philharmonic, and Naxos are the clear winners.
Shorena Tsintsabadze, in contrast, is Russian through and through. She was born in Moscow, studied at the Moscow Conservatory, and then in the U.S. with Oxana Yablonskaya. Lyapunov is in her blood, and you can hear it in the way she brings out the Russian idioms in this music derived indirectly from native folk melody sources. One has the feeling that these works have special meaning for her…”
Steven J Haller, March 2011
John J. Puccio, January 2011
Robert Cummings, January 2011
Phil Muse, February 2011
Patsy Morita, April 2011
Christophe Huss, February 2011
Publié le 18/08/2004